Thursday, June 30, 2005
Flag Burning OK: According to News and Advance
In an opinion article published inThe News and Daily Advance , they have taken a strong stand in favor of the right to burn the American Flag. There contention is that, it is part of American's right on free expression.
Personally, I find this as distasteful as the burning of Islamic books, and cross burning, which are being classified as hate crimes. Does the News and Daily Advance have the same opinion on these?
What could be a worse hate crime than showing a public distain for America by burning the flag. This is the symbol of our country. If you burn the flag, you are expressing to me, the troops in Iraq, the many that have died before for our country, and just common everyday American people the ultimate "hate crime" against all of us.
This is not free speech, The News and Advance is defending, although that is there contention, this is an opinion that the flag means nothing.
As far as I am concerned, The News and Advance should remove their flag pole. And everytime I see an image of the American flag on their Newspaper if you can call it that, I will be reminded of their opinion of flag burning.
(Patriotism and supporting our troops)
Looking for Something to Do This Weekend: Check out Jacki B and the Backburners
If you have not heard their music yet: There are three free full song downloads on their site, you won't be disappointed. If you like blues you will be in for a treat, for more things to do check out All Things Lynchburg message board.
Eric from the JB&B sent this email:
Jacki B and the Backburners to serve up a heaping of helping of Blues at Mitchell's Point Marina's First Annual 4th of July Celebration. JB&B will be putting on the good blues from 6pm till 10pm THIS SUNDAY - JULY 3RD, with Fireworks Show to follow.
To get to Mitchell's Point by land:
From Lynchburg - 460 west to the 2nd Bedford exit (D-Day Memorial exit)
122 South toward Smith Mountain Lake state park for 16 miles
Left on White House Rd (Route 608)
take White House Rd for 6 miles
turn right onto Smith Mountain Lake Pkwy
Take quick left on Tolers Ferry Rd
Stay on Tolers Ferry for 3.8 miles
Turn Right onto Trading Post Rd
Follow to the end of the road - Approx 2.5 miles
(Local music)
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Lynchburg Robbery may have a Chesapeake Connection
WSET is reporting tonight that an arrest in Chesapeake my have a connection to a Lynchburg robbery on Lakeside drive. There is AP story about the arrest in Chesapeake, of a 41 year old man who robbed a wedding apparel store called the Rage. There are very similar details to the Lynchburg robbery which as WSET reported is an on going investigation. More details can be found on the AP feed of the Richmond Times Dispatch.
(Local police, law and crime)
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services: Was Cleaned Out By Janitor
The Richmond Times Dispatch reports: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' private-security services section was cleaned out more than they wanted alledgedly by a janitor.
An identy theif of at least 40 people was taken of which at least five were used for illegal purposes. The Department responsible for regulating the private security companies had their own security compromised.
According to the Richmond Times Dispatch Lisa Hahn, head of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' private-security services section made several statements:
"It could happen to anyone."
"It's nothing reckless that we did."
And Further:
"We're cleaning our own offices," she said. "I don't want to sound negative, but you really can't trust everyone."
Besides the Janitor, two other people are considered suspects in the case.
(Local police, law and crime)
Don't Do the School Work: No Worries You Get the Grade
According to Mike Gruss, of The Virginian-Pilot:
Some teachers in the Virginia Beach School system have developed a plan, if you don't do the work you get the grade. They have eliminated zeros from their tests and assignments. Don't do the work you will get at least 50 or 60 on the assignment, No worries, hand in something next time.
This policy some teachers have adopted in Virginia Beach has been met with some pointed opposition. Yet the teachers consider they are on the right path.
Hopefully, this path won't be taken in our neck of the woods.
(Local Education and area Schools)
Three Strikes in Lynchburg: And You Are Out For Life
Baseball has moved from the City Stadium and into the court room. Three violent crimes and you may face life in jail, in Lynchburg.
This fact was made painfully clear to Jamil Ali Rashad, when a Lynchburg jury deliberated twenty minutes, and Ali may have earned his final court room stat of life in jail, as reported by The News and Daily Advance. On his final strike Rashad committed two counts of robbery, statutory burglary while armed with a deadly weapon, illegally wearing a mask in public and three firearm charges. Now Rashad, has time to contemplate how his actions will lead him to a life behind bars.
According to The News and Advance:
Chief Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Mike Doucette said, "I think the (three strikes) rule is in response to the men like Rashad who still commit serious violent felonies. He is a classic example of the need for such a law."
The News and Advance also reported that: "Rashad's defense attorney, William Quillian, had argued that Rashad ran from police because he was driving intoxicated on a suspended license, not because he had robbed the hotel."
Now thanks to Chief Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Mike Doucette and a Lynchburg jury Rashad is out of the baseball game of crime. Well lets hope there could be an appeal.
From the Lynchburg District Attorneys Office:
On June 28, 2005, Jamil Ali Rashad, also known as James Warren Brown, Jr., 51, of 2227 Park Avenue, Lynchburg was convicted of robbing a night manager and a security guard at the Lynchburg Radisson Hotel on January 1, 2004.
The Lynchburg Circuit Court jury convicted Rashad of two counts of robbery, one count of burglary while armed with a deadly weapon, three counts of using a firearm in the commission of a felony and one count of wearing a mask in public. The jury recommended a total sentence of two life imprisonment terms plus 38 years.
Chief Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael R. Doucette presented the evidence for the prosecution during the two day trial. The evidence showed that shortly after 3:00 a.m. on New Year’s Day, 2004, a masked robber entered the Radisson Hotel on Candler’s Mountain Road and threatened to shoot the night manager and security guard, demanding the hotel’s money from the office safe. After ordering the men to the floor, the robber took in excess of $1400.00 and fled.
Lt. Jeff Bauserman of the Lynchburg Police Department, responding to the robbery call, saw a car leaving the area of the Radisson and decided to follow it. When the driver of the car fled at a high rate of speed and with his lights turned off, Bauserman was able to track the car to the dead end of Clover Place where he found it abandoned and crashed into a dirt pile. Rashad’s shoes were found on the ground next to the vehicle as was the robbery money, a pair of his pants and a black hooded jacket that was later identified by the robbery victims as identical to the one the robber wore. Rashad was tracked by a State Police helicopter using an infrared thermal imager to a parking lot about a ¼ mile away through the woods. When he was arrested hiding under a tractor trailer, he was shoeless, wet and muddy. In a taped interview later at the police department, Rashad confessed to Investigator Randy Trent of the Lynchburg Police Department that he was the man who had committed the robbery.
Rashad was charged and convicted under Virginia’s “three strikes” violent felon law. He had previously been convicted of six counts of robbery in 1975 and one count of robbery in 1987. In the 1987 robbery, he and two accomplices robbed the same hotel building as in the 2004 offense, which was doing business at the time as the Lynchburg Hilton. Under Virginia’s “three strikes” law, a third violent felony conviction results in an automatic life sentence. This was the second time since the 1994 implementation of this law that a Lynchburg jury has sentenced someone under its provisions.
Final sentencing before Judge Mosby G. Perrow, III, is set for August 19, 2005 at 2:00 p.m
(Local police, law and crime)
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Because You Care Links are Located on The Right Side
On the right side of this site you will find a Because You Care Link sections. Look there to see sites that shows the different ways you can support our troops.
See how plain everyday Americans like you and me do a little something to let our troops know we care about them. Read personal accounts directly from the troops who are fighting this war. Find ways you can personal respond to the needs of a particular soldier, sailor, or marine.
I promise you even if all you do is read, you will leave with a better perspective of how our troops see the war in Iraq through their eyes.
I have had a request for a link to find a soldier who needs a friend. Books for Soldiers offers many ways you can help our troops including if you just want to make a friend. Go to the message board, and there you can find a friend, beach girl. You have to register and I am sorry the link I posted on WSET did not work.
(Patriotism and supporting our troops)
Monday, June 27, 2005
Breaking News: Web Site Posts Restaurant Inspections
Headline news hit the presses, from staff writer Matt Busse, of The News & Advance, Lynchburg, Va. about a web blog that posts restaurant reviews by the Health Department.
Do not be dismayed, you can find that here also, it has been in the link section of this blog nearly since the beginning. We encourage you to look at the link section.
We have tried hard to find sites that would be particularly useful for people from Lynchburg. The link section of this blog covers sites from local music to how to find the best gas price in Lynchburg.
We have and will continue to make our links as useful to Lynchburg residents as possible. Have a suggestion. Send me a comment. You may find your most liked local site placed there for the benefit of others. Things you won't find in our link section are paths that are trying to rook you out of money. But stay savvy, the internet is full of scams.
By the way, we don't do this for money. We are intending to keep this site as ad free as possible. We have been approached to place ads, we could make some amount per click etc. If you notice there is a lack of banners or ad placements on these pages, there is a reason for that, we have elected out of options that offer even a penny.
Any ads you may see, are there for an operational service to this site only. Now, you may wonder why are we doing this for free. Look at the link list carefully. There is a link there that will show you why, but we will let you discover that for yourself.
We are adding the site recommended by Matt Busse to our link site. We wish him well in serving residents of Lynchburg. His site:
(Restaurant reviews and safety)
Big Eared Bat Now the "Official Bat" of Virginia: and Other Legislation
Soon to be added to 16 other official emblems of Virginia, the big eared bat has come out of the dark, its official, our legislators have made it so.
The food tax is set to drop 1 1/2 percent and the tax on cigarettes is increasing from 10 cents a pack to 30 cents a pack, but the big news is the Virginia long eared bat who will soon make the trivia books.
There are other changes also as reported by WVEC in the Hampton Roads area:
--Close loophole that allowed people to take pictures up a woman's skirt or down her blouse in a public place.
--Enhance penalties for computer crimes, including "phishing" or "spoofing," fraud schemes that use e-mails to trick recipients into providing financial information.
--Allow a mother who is breast-feeding a child to opt out of jury duty.
--Prohibit execution of pregnant inmates.
--Allow day spas to obtain a license to serve wine or beer to customers.
--Prohibit motorists from showing sexually explicit videos that can be viewed by other motorists.
--Allow the state to license midwives who are not nurses.
--Prohibit possession of cell phones by prisoners.
--Enhance the penalty for manufacturing methamphetamine when someone under 18 is present.
So to all trivia masters Virginia does have an "Official Bat" of the long ear variety.
(Local news) (Local police, law and crime)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Lynchburg City Property Assessments Climb: Projecting 3 Million Dollar Increase in 2006 Budget
The News and Daily Advance is reporting that property taxes will affect residents city wide. If you opened your tax notice and found a dramatic increase in your assessed property value, you are not alone.
If you find this assessment unfair there are steps you can take, but time is running out and you have to act quick. You have until Thursday of this week.
This is what you need to do, if you find your assessment unfair. File a form with the city to go before the Board of Equalization. They have the power to lower your assessed value.
The News and Advance reports that:
“Of the 1,566 appeals, city staffers changed assessments on 963 parcels.
Citywide, people who appealed had an average of 17 percent knocked off their assessment.”
If you find yourself in this predicament. Remember the time to act is now. Here is a city site were you can learn about the appeal process.
On March 8th, 2005 this was the proposal by:
L. Kimball Payne, III, City Manager:
Real Property Tax revenues are projected to total $38.6 million, an increase of approximately $3.0 million, or about eight and one half percent (8.5%) from the FY 2005 revised estimate.
This is due to the capture of updated market values as a result of completion of the biennial reassessment and to some growth through new construction and rehabilitation. Real Property Tax revenue projections are adjusted for an historically uncollectible percentage of two percent(2%), tax relief for the elderly ($516,000) and rehabilitation tax credits ($209,000). For budget discussions, each penny on the Real Property Tax rate will generate approximately $350,000.
This revenue source represents over one-third (37.1%) of General Fund non-dedicated revenues. The Assessor’s Office is currently completing the biennial reassessment of real property which will take effect on July 1, 2005. Notices to property owners will go out March 1.
At this point, it is projected that the total assessed value of real property in the City will increase eight and one-half percent (8.5%) to nearly three and one half billion dollars ($3,471,288,000).Excluding new construction and corrections to assessment records, the total assessed value will grow by six and one half percent (6.5%).
Adjusting the Real Property Tax rate to produce the same amount of revenue as during FY 2005 would require a reduction from $1.11 to $1.045 per hundred dollars of assessed value. Such a reduction, which is not recommended in this budget, would require an adjustment of approximately $2.3 million to estimated revenues for FY 2006. Council will be required to hold a public hearing on the effective tax increase prior to budget adoption.
(City Council and local issues)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
They have stepped forward to serve us and out country. We gratefully express our thanks to them and their families for their ultimate sacrifice. I apologize in advance for any omissions I may have made.
Army Staff Sgt. Kristopher L. Shepherd, 26, of Lynchburg, Va.
Air Force Maj. William Downs, 40, of Winchester, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Jourdan L. Grez, 24, of Harrisonburg, Va.
Army Sgt. Tromaine K. Toy Sr., 24, of Eastville, Va.
Marine Capt. James C. Edge, 31, of Virginia Beach, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Tenzin Dengkhim, 19, of Falls Church, Va.
Army Pfc. Lee A. Lewis Jr., 28, of Norfolk, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Jason C. Redifer, 19, of Stuarts Draft, Va.
Marine Cpl. Jonathan W. Bowling, 23, of Patrick, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Karl R. Linn, 20, of Chesterfield, Va.
Marine Cpl. Christopher L. Weaver, 24, of Fredericksburg, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Darrell J. Schumann, 25, of Hampton, Va.
Marine Sgt. Jayton D. Patterson, 26, of Sedley, Va.
Army Staff Sgt. Nathaniel J. Nyren, 31, of Reston, Va.
Army Sgt. Maj. Robert D. O’Dell, 38, of Manassas, Va.
Army Spc. Nicholas C. Mason, 20, of King George, Va.
Army Spc. David A. Ruhren, 20, of Stafford, Va.
Navy Chief Joel Egan Baldwin, 37, of Arlington, Va.
Army Capt. Mark N. Stubenhofer, 30, of Springfield, Va.
Marine Cpl. Binh N. Le, 20, of Alexandria, Va.
Marine Gunnery Sgt. Javier Obleas-Prado Pena, 36, of Falls Church, Va.
Army Sgt. Jack Bryant Jr., 23, of Dale City, Va.
Marine Cpl. Bradley T. Arms, 20, of Charlottesville, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Demarkus D. Brown, 22, of Martinsville, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Brian A. Medina, 20, of Woodbridge, Va.
Marine 1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee, 27, of Fairfax, Va.
Army Spc. Clarence Adams III, 28, of Richmond, Va.
Army 1st Lt. Timothy E. Price, 25, of Midlothian, Va.
Marine Corps Staff Sgt. John R. Howard, 26, of Covington City, Va.
Marine Staff Sgt. John R. Howard, 26, of Covington, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. Tavon L. Hubbard, 24, of Reston, Va.
Marine Sgt. Krisna Nachampassak, 27, of Burke, Va.
Army Staff Sgt. Gregory V. Pennington, 36, of Glade Spring, Va.
Army Spc. Jeremy M. Dimaranan, 29, of Virginia Beach, Va.
Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan, 27, of Bristow, Va.
Army Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson, 18, of Richmond, Va.
Marine Pfc. Michael M. Carey, 20, of Prince George, Va.
Army 2nd Lt. Leonard M. Cowherd, 22, of Culpeper, Va.
Army Pfc. Andrew L. Tuazon, 21, of Chesapeake, Va.
Army Spc. Frank K. Rivers Jr., 23, of Woodbridge, Va.
Army Robert J. Zangas, 44, of Prince William County, Va.
Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael J. Gray, 32, of Richmond, Va.
Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW5) Sharon T. Swartworth, 43, of Virginia
Army 1st Lt. Joshua C. Hurley, 24, of Virginia
Army Capt. John R. Teal, 31, of Mechanicsville, Va.
Army Command Sgt. Maj. James D. Blankenbecler, 40, of Alexandria, Va.
Army Sgt. Michael E. Dooley, 23, of Pulaski, Va.
Pvt. Jason L. Deibler, 20, of Coeburn, Va.
Air Force Maj. William R. Watkins III, 37, of Danville, Va.
Marine Lance Cpl. David Edward Owens Jr., 20, of Winchester, Va.
Army 2nd Lt. Jeffrey J. Kaylor, 24, of Clifton, Va.
Army Capt. James F. Adamouski, 29, of Springfield, Va.
Marine Sgt. Michael V. Lalush, 23, of Troutville, Va.
Marine Staff Sgt. Donald C. May, Jr., 31, of Richmond, Va.
(Patriotism and supporting our troops)
Friday, June 24, 2005
Five Interesting Facts About Lynchburg
1. The City of Lynchburg charter originally comprised only 45 acres. Lynchburg has grown to a size of 49 square miles. The charter was established in 1786.
2. World Wide Words Reports :
"Lynch is short for lynch law, the punishment of a person for some supposed crime without bothering with the niceties of a legal trial. All the evidence points to its being an archetypal American expression. For its origin we must look to Virginia in the 1780s, during the American Revolution. There is some doubt about which Lynch gave his name to the expression, since there were two: Captain William Lynch of Pittsylvania County and Colonel James Lynch of Bedford County. However, both were trying to bring order and justice to an area notoriously lacking both. It's William Lynch who is usually mentioned in scholarly discussions, mainly, it seems, because documentary evidence survives of his efforts."
3. The oldest college in Hill City is the Virginia University of Lynchburg. It was established in 1886 and is still in operation today.
4. Joseph Nichols Tavern was a frequent stop for Thomas Jefferson on his way to Poplar Forest from Monticello. It is rumored that he first tasted the "love apple" a tomato in Lynchburg Virginia.
5. Ota Benga , who was a pigmy on exhibited at the Saint Louis Fair in 1904, and later was displayed in the "monkey house" at the Bronx Zoo. His teeth were filed into points to make him look more fearsome. When he was at the Bronx zoo, 50,000 would come daily to see him. He came to Lynchburg after a uproar from Black clergy. Lived out his days between the Ann Spencer House and what is now, Virginia University of Lynchburg. People that knew him said he was the bell ringer at the then college. He played with Chauncey Spenser while Chauncy was a child. Later, Ota Benga committed suicide in Hill City.
(Interesting facts about Lynchburg)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
NASA lets You View the World

NASA World Wind Project : Free Open Source Program. Do to the increasing requests for the program that lets you view any where in the world. We have decided to provide a link directly to the site. Not only can you see your roof top, you can explore the rest of the world.

NASA World Wind Project
(Satire, and other things for your amusement)
WSET Reports: Law Changes in Virginia
One law that I totally agree with is increasing the fine for gas drive offs. If you go into any station in Lynchburg and ask if gas drive offs are a problem. You are going to see their plight. Some people just plain try to get away with anything can. Or think they can. You should pay for what you get. I would be in favor of stiffer pentalities. Theft is theft. See WSET. for the full story and more laws that have changed.
(Local police, law and crime)
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Murder Mystery: May Keep Lynchburg Residents Up Late
The Ledger on Line is reporting a strange story of a murder that may involve several book stores, Potters Field in the Old City Cementary, the Lynchburg Police, and The Lynchburg Historical Foundation. This could have a wide ranging implication, it may put Lynchburg on the map for many who have never heard of this place.
Author Marilyn Fisher, has written a murder mystery set in the Hill City, because she believes she wants to express her love for the city according to the Ledger.
We will be waiting for the mystery to unfold. See The Ledger on Line for the full story.
(Recreation, sports, and reading)
An Idea for Lynchburg: ICAM
Tired of crime in your neighborhoods. Tired of seeing the crack dealer on the corner. Are you a little nervous when you are in some areas of Lynchburg? Do you look over your shoulder, concerned about the people around you? You are not alone, in stories often printed in the local news media, you start hearing a growing chorus of people saying these exact things.
I would like to show you something. Something that other cities are using and something I think would work in high crime areas in Lynchburg. It is a viewer operated web cam. Now, what do I mean viewer operated. It is a cam that you can pan, zoom and focus. When you visit the site, you will get an opportunity to control the cam. The advantages of this is that the police do not have to operate the cam.
If Lynchburg had such a system, I am sure the community would step forward to take the controls, and you would see not only a deterrent to crime, but crimes solved.
Now, I am not suggesting that Lynchburg go out and buy this system. I think that the city could get it at no cost. You see, Lynchburg holds the cards on a very important city service. They could make it a requirement for Comcast to provide the service, when they finish buying Adelphia.
Now before you think this is a farfetched proposal, Time Warner cable service operates this cam system in another city as a service to the community. So perhaps, with some shrew negotiating, Lynchburg could have its own system. Take a look, and have some fun. It may take some practice to get use to it but I am sure you will have fun trying. I CAM
(Local police, law and crime) (City Council and local issues)
Update: James Ware: And his Single Man Protest

This is a single protestor at the White House. James Ware may have something in common with this man. On a trip several years ago. It was really about a week after 9/11. I just couldn't help my instinct to click his picture. Now, I understand why. Maybe, I got the message telepathically. There was going to be a story that was going to unfold about another single proster James Ware. And I was going to beat the presses in bringing you that story. Yes, The News and Advance was right on my heals, but that story came to you first right here.

The News and Advance printed a story today that debunks the claims of James Ware. According to The News and Advance the police are confident that his claims are without value. Thanks to in the car video there was no police abuse the police reported to The News and Advance. Maybe we will see it on one of TV shows that follows the police someday. Doubt Mr. Ware would like that. The police also stated that they respect his right to protest if he thinks he was wronged.
When I interviewed James Ware, I reported that he made a vague reference to drugs. Although, he was not charged with any drug offences. I stand by that statement. His reference was to something in the past and the police had a vendetta against him.
Maybe James Ware should visit D.C. I know of another lonely protestor that might could use some company. I am sure the other protestor knows.
(Local police, law and crime)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
If You Want to get closer I could show you your roof top

Satellite View of Lynchburg VA
You can click the picture to enlarge. Now I made a claim here, I could show you your roof top. Well actually I could, but if you have broad band there is a program you can down load for free. It is an open source program and free. Now you want to be careful don't you, well if you email at . I will send you the site to get the free program. Guess what? When you get there, you will know that this site is entirely safe. I will be glad to forward you the site, and I bet you will agree with me entirely.
James Ware: Stages a One Man protest: Click picture to enlarge

James Ware lauches single man protest. Mr. Ware alleges the Lynchburg Police broke his wrist while he was being arrested. Not satisfied by the results of filing two police complaints, and a visit to the Mayor's office, he decided to picket the Lynchburg Police Department. He claims he is a handicapped man who was beat by the police for no good reason. Further, he states that he shouldn't have been arrested at all. Noticeably, the police were ignoring his protests. Yet it was also apparent, that walkers by, were interested in what he had to say He has said he has been contacted by the local NAACP, and one of his signs is asking for help from the "Black Leaders". He also stated he has contacted lawyers to file a suit against the police. We have decided to withold the name of the policeman he stated did this.
If anyone is taking him seriously is up to question as is, if this is a valid complaint. I asked him what he was arrested for, he stated driving without an license and he made a vague reference to drugs. Looking into the Judicial website for Lynchburg there were several offences listed for a James Elmwood Ware and a James E. Ware, however without absolute certainty I will not post any previous arrests or convictions.
Now, is this a valid complaint, I have my doubts. In any contact I have had with the Lynchburg Police, they have shown a consistent effort to be professional, helpful and kind. Maybe there are exceptions but I have not seen that.

(Local police, law and crime)
Update: Eric HollandsworthJacki B & the Backburners Responds
B O B,
Noticed a few visits to our website from the link on you Blog. We all found it pretty cool that we were noticed ....*grin*
You're correct in you assessment of what we are after... free downloads hoping that you will come on out to our gigs. Sort of our philosophy on music, the band and life in general. We don't do it for the money (although making a little is not a bad thing!) we do it for the enjoyment. All of us in Jacki B & the Backburners have been at this for over 20 years, and realized long ago that its about the music and the crowds... 'cause you aint gonna make much money doing it.......might as well do it for the crowds.
I think that if you like the recorded versions.. you will love the live versions. Come on out and check us out.
A bit of shameless self-promotion...... we will be competing in the James River Blues Society's Blues Talent Competition on July 9th at the Sedalia Center in Big Island, and we are the headliners for the Bedford Blues and BBQ Festival 2005 August 6th. Another Lynchburg Band (the Don't Quit Yer Day Job Blues Band) and Nelson County Teen phenom Eli Cook will also be performing that day.
We will be at Benjamin's on the 26th of Aug. Hopefully we will be in the Lynchburg area soon.
Thanks again for our blurb on your blog.
Eric: Jacki B and the Backburners .
Eric HollandsworthJacki B & the Backburners1-800-792-9364
(Local music)
Rev. Falwell: Makes Assertions at the Southern Baptist Convention
There is a thin line between Church and State. And Rev. Jerry Falwell is working to help it disappear. His views are quite evident and now he is claiming, that he and the Christian right, are responsible for electing George Bush President. It doesn't stop here.
He is trying to make sure Hillary Clinton is not elected President, surmised by a report on his speech by WRIC 8 in Richmond. He states he's "too old to care or be intimidated" by those who oppose him.
No matter what side of the issue you are on, if this makes you proud, or makes you feel that he is tampering in areas of politics that should not be his domain, serious thought should be given to why separation of Church and State was written into our Constitution.
(Religious Leaders)
Monday, June 20, 2005
Got Rhythm & Blues and Soul: Local Artists Jacki B and the Backburners are offering free downloads
Check out Jacki B and the Backburners . They are an area band that are offering up some of their music with full downloads, at a price you can afford free. Got to be a catch, I hear you been there. Well, I don't see one, they don't expect anything in return.
Maybe they think if you would look at their calendar you will make tracks to see them play.
(Local music)
I have a Secret to Ask You to Keep: On the 29 Bypass
You're my friend right. I can tell you things that you just won't repeat. We will keep this just between us. You are my good friend, and I know you will keep your mouth shut.
Now listen carefully, I can't say this too loud. The 29 bypass is open. You can drive on it. All the way to Rt. 130, but this is a secret whatever you don't tell a soul. While all those other people are fighting the traffic in Mad Heights, we can make good time. Don't let anyone know,they will crowd the road.
There is one person whispering about this, but I know his devious plan. He just wants to see how many people heard him. The Highway Dept. doesn't want you to know. They are being tight lipped. On their website, six months to completion, is what they are saying. Well they just don't want you to know about this, according to the whisperer. In fact he confides the whole affair is being cloaked in so much mystery that you won't find any entrance signs.
Now, just don't tell a soul.
(City Council and local issues)
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Lynchburg School Board Appointees: Interviews Public or Private?
The News and Daily Advanceis offering its opinion on if the interview process for the post of School Board members should be public or private. There contention is that the process should be made fully avaible to the public. City Council disagrees, and plans to hold the interviews in private in full council session.
There are points on both sides of the issue. Open sessions would allow full disclousure of the interview and selection process. Something that the city council should consider in light of recent federal investigations of the Mayor. It would be open to full review of how and why each candidate was selected to the citizens of Lynchburg. These are important appointments. Overseeing how the Lynchburg Schools are run from the quality of education, to the use of funds in our school system, should not be taken lightly.
On the other hand, at least one member of City Council contends, that there is no real mystery of what is going on here. According to the News and Advance, he purports that a certain confort level would be apporpriate and would be provided if the process is done in private. I can see his view point, private interviews would be more telling of what the candidate could offer.
Something to consider though, is that the transcripts of these hearings would be private. And even if a Freedom of Information Act request was made. It would not be valid under current laws as pointed out by the News and Advance.
Could there be an alternative solution? I would think so. How about if the City Council decided to published the transcripts of the meeting after the interview process. This could have several benifits. 1. Citizens of Lynchburg could see the care and concern the City Council used to pick the right candidates. And 2. Even the candidates who were not selected could see why and how they were not selected.
To me, things that are in the open have a much better acceptance to the citizens of Lynchburg. And would end any thoughts, if there were any, that someone was given an advantage in the selection process.
(City Council and local issues)
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Local heros: And the Heroics of Army Staff Sergeant Eugene Simpson
WSET reported on how area schools (Sandusky Elementary and Heritage Elementary) united with at least two businesses (The Boston Market and the Texas Roadhouse) in Lynchburg to help one true hero Army Staff Sergeant Eugene Simpson.
With their efforts, and contributions from many in the community and elsewhere, more than 52,000 dollars was raised. Soon, Staff Sergeant Eugene Simpson will have a house that will be equipped for his needs, due to the generous thanks, many have given him for his exceptional service for our country. To see his story, a must read is an article written about him in the Stars and Stripes. After you read this, you will know this man does deserve our support, as he supported us, and while injured, he saved the life of another.
To see ways to aid our troops go to the Because you care link on the right.
Thank you Army Staff Sergeant Eugene Simpson and all those showing their appreciation for his service to us and our country.
(Patriotism and supporting our troops) (Local spotlight on people)
Lynchburg Restaurant Reviews: Virginia Health Department Style
Are you thinking, Hmmm think I will run out and get a bite? Hmmm where should I go? Does your mind wander, as you think? "I think I want a burger."
Then on impulse, you hop in your car and head to your favorite eatery. Or are you going to try a new place? Stop! There maybe something you want to consider, the Virginia Health Department posts their latest inspections. Maybe you should have a look. See under Lynchburg Links on the right, go there and look to the left of the page, and check out food inspections. From there you will see Lynchburg under the L's ofcourse. Now you are set to read their reviews of Lynchburg restaurants and anywhere food might be served. From the city jails to Daycare, you are going to be informed of the safest places to eat.
You are one click away from a dining experience you won't regret.
(Restaurant reviews and safety)
Friday, June 17, 2005
US 29 Lynchburg/Madison Heights Bypass: Six Months from Completion
Virginia VDOT is projecting December 2005 as the completion date for the Madison Heights Bypass. There has been a total of nine contractors that are on their way to finishing.
The Bypass is East of the existing Route 29 and will have interchanges at 460 in Campbell County near Lynchburg City limits, the South end of the Town of Amherst, at Route 210 and at Route 130.
This should ease the traffic congestion that has plagued Madison Heights, but the impact on local businesses is yet to be foreseen.
(City Council and local issues)
Political Contributions from Lynchburg: New Links
We are adding to new sites to the link section today.
The Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that demonstrates how computer technology can improve public understanding of the role of money in state politics. The link on the right will take you right to contributors from Lynchburg Virginia. If you like you can explore the rest of their website from there.
OpenSecrets. org provides information on the role of money in U. S. politics. The link will take you to information on Virginia. Search this site and you can find information down to the zip code where you live.
We encourage you to look at these sites and draw your own conclusions on the monetary influence on politics both local and national.
(City Council and local issues)
Thursday, June 16, 2005
All things Lynchburg: A New Forum
In continuing to improve the usefulness of this site for the citizens of Lynchburg. A forum for your use, All things Lynchburg, has been created by this site. You will see it on the right in the link section. This forum lets you post anything you may desire about the Lynchburg. We will exercise the right to remove inappropriate material if someone posts it there.
This site was just created today and we are looking forward to seeing your comments, your ideas and your concerns that you may post there. You can post with the confidence that you can remain unknown or if you wish you can let others know who you are. Its up to you. In any case your thoughts and concerns will not be taken lightly we intend to serve the citizens of Lynchburg.
Lynchburg may net 141,000 Dollar Profit on Common Goods Fee
In the early morning hours you can hear the trash trucks as they slowly make it up the street. Picking up our trash and junk that we all must get rid of. And each month each household pays for a tag for this service and also the Common Goods fee added to your water and sewage bill. Once before the advent of the trash tag, Lynchburg had two pickups per week, now we are down to one. And now the city charges, it was a big thing back then that the city charged for this service. After all, many communities through out the U. S., still think such a charge is unthinkable. I visited a community in N.C. instead of curb service they knock on your door and take the can from there. To say the least, I was amazed.
The News and Advance reports today that the city council is considering that the Common Goods Fee will generate 141,000 dollars more than the actual cost . The city staffers wants to put the revenue back in the general city budget. Some council members are standing up and making it known that this money should be returned to the citizens. Kudos to Councilmen Seiffert and Gillette for helping keep the city on their toes.
Now, what would be fair? Reduction of the five dollar Common Goods Fee (a fee added to your water and sewage bill) to 4.39 reflecting the actual cost, or a reduction in property taxes. Well the plain and simple fact is not everyone in Lynchburg owns a home. It should be returned to the people who pay for the service. And it definitely should not be lost in the general budget. Thanks to Councilman Seiffert some corrections to the original post were made.
Update: The common goods tax has been decreased to 4.40
(City Council and local issues)
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Lynchburg Virginia Blog Teacher Awards
In September of 2005, This site will be issuing teacher awards for outstanding teacher performance in the Lynchburg School System.
The awards will be based on how the teacher served his students and impacted the community. Their story will be told here and what they have done to improve the quality of education for our students.
I have been hard on the Lynchburg School System to improve their performance. We need a better quality of education for students. Considering that the cost per student in Lynchburg is nearly twice the cost of the national average, this is something that we should expect.
Teacher achievement in the Lynchburg School System should be recognized. We will tell their stories and how they have served their students and how they have improved our community.
If you have suggestions on teachers who deserve an award, either email me or post a comment here. Tell me their stories and why they should receive an award.
(Local Education and area Schools)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
A message from the author, Catherine Ryan Hyde:
Pay It Forward is a book, but it's also an idea. It's an action plan within a work of fiction. But does it have to be fiction? We're hoping not. In fact, since the book was released in January of 2000, a real-life social movement has emerged, not just in the U.S. but worldwide. What began as a work of fiction has already become muchmore.
Reuben St. Clair, the teacher protagonist of the book Pay It Forward, starts a movement with this voluntary, extra-credit assignment: THINK OF AN IDEA FOR WORLD CHANGE, AND PUT IT INTO ACTION
Trevor, the 12-year-old hero of Pay It Forward, thinks of quite an idea. He describes it to his mother and teacher this way: "You see, I do something real good for three people. And then when they ask how they can pay it back, I say they have to Pay It Forward. To three more people. Each. So nine people get helped. Then those people have to do twenty-seven." He turned on the calculator, punched in a few numbers. "Then it sort of spreads out, see. To eighty-one. Then two hundred forty-three. Then seven hundred twenty-nine. Then two thousand, one hundred eighty-seven. See how big it gets?"
Pay It Forward the idea is perfect for kids. Pay It Forward the book is not. It's a book written for an adult audience and which contains adult language and situations. Many teachers are bringing the book into their classes at the high school level. I agree that this is probably appropriate, but educator guidance should be exercised. The American Library association cited Pay It Forward as one of its "Best Books for Young Adults." This is a twelve-to-eighteen-year-old category. Still, for children younger than fourteen, I would recommend that the parent or educator read the book first, and decide.
In an effort to bring the heart of Trevor's idea into classrooms, we have created two excerpts of the book which are suitable for children. The first is twenty pages in length and suitable for middle school students. The second is six pages in length and suitable for a younger child. They are available on this site by clicking the link "Novel Excerpt." These words are yours for downloading. Feel free to print the excerpts and make as many copies as you like. The point of these words is that they be spread.
Please be aware that even Pay It Forward the idea requires adult supervision. In the book, Trevor brings a homeless man into his house as part of his project. (Kids, don't try this at home!) The safest Pay It Forward projects will take place in the classroom and in the home, with the help of teachers and parents. This is where the Pay It Forward Foundation comes in.
(Pay It Forward)
Update: On That Fight Against Drugs in your Neighborhood
Vice has responded. They are looking into the matter. My camera still sits in the window recording the activity there, that is slowly picking up again.
Sadly, I still see a 15 year old boy still taking his trip to the house. I first recorded when he made a purchase there and dropped it on the ground. He goes in comes out all within five minutes.
Vice has asked me to me patient. I do understand their problem. They got a total of seven people against the hoards of drug activity city wide. I feel for them.
I know they take their job seriously. But this is our battle too. We have to help them, we should help them. It is my ernest feeling that the fabric of our society is being ripped apart by this crack epidemic. Its up to us to look deeper and see our role in setting things right, to sew the tears in the fabric. Making this a better place for all of us to live.
Its one thing to have an opinion. Its another thing to do something about it. Sometimes things are about risk. But time after time, Americans stand up and do not go meekly, and accept the consequences of inaction.
(Gangs, graffiti, drugs, and violence)
Jackson Case: What Does the Verdict tell us?
We watched and listened the case of the Jackson unfold. Each key bit of evidence was seemingly helping lock him behind a cell door. The verdict was read "not guilty." Some were stunned, some elated. Others thought money bought yet another star out of the pokey.
But what did exactly happen here? There was a mass of evidence, there was motive, there was opportunity and after all the supporting testimony I believe there was a crime. How on earth could the jury come back "not guilty" on all accounts? Was it because of the concept of reasonable doubt? That may be an excuse, but it certainly isn't the reason. An exercise of inductive reasoning would easily remove the possibility of reasonable doubt.
This is just another example of how our schools have failed us. We fail to teach objective thought. We fail to teach inductive thought. And now the product of that is coming back to haunt us. Besides this our schools and I mean Lynchburg schools, lack in teaching the basics. Examples can be seen daily. Watch that cashier make change, many, if they do not see the change displayed, can't make change. And talk to young people ask them how they determine their opinions and how they draw conclusions. Soon you will see something has failed. Something down deep in the foundation of their learning skills has been seriously flawed.
Recently, WSET reported that some of our Lynchburg area schools ranked somewhere around 400 in the top 1,000 schools in the nation. This may sound good, but with a deeper look only 1,027 schools were evaluated. Lynchburg in actuality, put out a mediocre performance. Our taxes pay over 12,000 dollars per student per year for each Lynchburg student. The national average is around 6, 000 dollars per student per year. Where is the accountability? Personally, I am not satisfied with results of our spending.
Its time for change Lynchburg. And it is up to us to make our city accountable.
(Local police, law and crime)
(Local Education and area Schools)
Your Lynchburg Stories Posted Here
Do you have a concern, an idea, or something you want to share with the rest of Lynchburg? I welcome your thoughts to be posted here. There is a couple of ways you could do this, post a comment on something written already, email a copy of what you would like to be posted, or send me an idea that I may decide to write for you. I will give you credit for post or if you want to remain unknown I will respect that also.
So far, I am answering all emails I receive from this blog. And will continue to do so unless I am just overwhelmed. This site is new and already it is getting visited frequently.
My goals for this blog:
To deliver relevant and insightful information to the residents of Lynchburg.
To cover stories that might be missed by the local press.
To make this a tool for positive change for Lynchburg.
And to look a little deeper in the stories that are already covered by the local media.
This can be your forum too. I will welcome your input, even if I agree or disagree with it. With your voice added here maybe we can make Lynchburg a better place to live. Thank you.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Cameras in Stores
Recently, WSET ran a story that stated cameras in stores don't stop robberies and they are totally ineffective. I disagree. I am glad they are there. Yes, sometimes they don't work well, need fresh tape or need to be upgraded, but on the whole they have helped solve crimes. I have seen this time and time again. From clerks stealing lottery tickets, to robberies, break ins, and even a murder that occured near the Expresslane on Memorial Ave., they helped police and the owners of stores solve crimes.
In Florida, they have laws about how much outside lighting a store should have, and they require two clerks on duty at night at all times. After enacting these laws store robberies dropped significantly. Could Lynchburg learn a lesson from this and pass this needed legislation? Its time for Lynchburg to think proactively and work on addressing these issues.
(Local police, law and crime)
Review of Lynchburg Local Links
I have listed some links that I hope you find interesting. I only wish that the news links were better.
The Lynchburg News and Advance has a long way to go in improving their site. Very few good articles can viewed there. On a positive note, features by Darrell Larrant are always interesting.
WSET has a better coverage of the local scene, however they could use improvement in their story presentation. A plus for them though, is that readers can give feedback. The readers comments are sometimes more interesting that the story itself. A drawback is that the postings are removed rather quickly.
WLNI has a good archives of stories. And usually covers more meaty stories. They could improve if they had a viewer comment section for their stories. Or perhaps established a bulletin board.
WDBJ 7 while it doesn't have a feedback section does provide video clips of their coverage. There news is mostly centered on Roanoke, but does have some coverage of Lynchburg.
Lynchburg Post cards from the past is a good view of how things have changed around here and if you would like to take a trip in the past you won't be disappointed.
Little know attractions of Lynchburg is off the wall funny. And is a good reminder don't trust what you read on the internet. But if you dare, go there and experience the area 51 view of Lynchburg.
The Pictorial History of Lynchburg is a great site. Has tons of old pictures of Lynchburg and if you like to see what it was like in the past here, this is the place to go.
The Official Weather Site is actually NOAA weather site. All the other sites on the internet use this site to make our local forecast. They report directly from the Lynchburg Airport.
Lynchburg Gas Prices shows updated lowest gas prices in Lynchburg in the last 48 hours. Good to look at before you jump in your car. If your car needs washing visit the Zip station on Lakeside Drive to even get a lower rate yet.
Pay It Forward was a book and a movie. About a boy who was given a school assignment on to do something to change the world. The book and the movie were fiction, but something happened that was real. I encourage you to click the link to see what has happened and is happening. This link has been revised to give you a better look at Pay It Forward.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Get set and go: To Natural Bridge Raceway

Need a diversion on a Saturday night feel the dirt, smell the fumes, listen to the roar of the engines, at the bang me up, Natural Bridge Raceway.

A boy maybe seven years old looked up to me while I was entering the gate. "We're going to have a gooooooooood time tonight!" The excitement exploded through his eyes.
I didn't know the boy, but I found out exactly the electric shock of thrill he was emiting: Yep, get ready to get your socks blown off. You are going to see a night of action live, up front and personal. Speeds of 90 miles an hour around a small dirt track. Wrecks aplenty. Spirits soaring high, tension you couldn't cut with an oversized chain saw. Want to see local and regional driviers duel it out? Want to watch them speed and bang their way around the track, take curves on two wheels, and smash each other up in the process? Take your nerve tonic grandma, and meet me on the wild side.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Cheap food shopping in Lynchburg
One of my favorite past times, is finding things at more than reasonable prices in Lynchburg. First lets tackle the food issues. Here are the places I have found that you can get food buys.
For meat: I find most grocery stores way to high. But there is one that I like where you can buy meat at 50 percent to 25 percent cheaper than it competitors: FoodLand on Memorial Ave. Rib eye steaks usually sell for 4.29 a pound. Hamburger I have seen for as cheap as 1.49 a pound. Chicken breasts 1.19 a pound. Onions and potatoes are cheaper there too.
For fresh veggies: At the farmers market on main street you can get good deals, prices are generally 25 percent lower than you will find at the grocery store. The cheese, I find there is excellent. If you go there in the early morning you get the best picks. If you go near closing time you find prices reduced and many times some things are just given to you. Its open early on Fridays and Saturdays. Also, there is Markems produce on 221. I haven't been there yet but see on their sign cantaloupes for 99 cents and green beans for 79 cents. Its a hard place to turn into there but sometime when I am down that way and the traffic is down I'm going to give it a try. There is also Ralph’s grocer where Jennings ice use to be. His prices might not be the best, but he is one of the most pleasant person to deal with. That brings me back.
For canned goods and non perishables: There are several options here. Walt Mart (Look at the bottom and shelves and the displays at the end of the rows.) usually has the cheapest as far as grocery stores go. However, check out these other ideas: Dollar Duz It: on Wards Road, Big Lots, Star Value: at the Mall, and any of those supposedly Dollar Stores. I always keep an eye and a mental record of what is the average price and if I just run into something at a good deal (meaning about 20 percent lower), I buy in quanity.
For bread: Flowers Bakery Thrift Shop is the place to go, and the one on Lakeside Drive you are going to meet on of the nicest sales person I have encountered around these parts. Yes Lynchburg, customers appreciate how they are treated.
(Living Cheap in Lynchburg)
That fight against drugs in your neighborhood
Sorry people, don't expect help from the Lynchburg Police. Seems that if you ask help from them you will get no support. Even if you can provide the evidence to them. If you call narcotics and vice on their number, you get to leave a message. Ask for a return call, forget it they don't call back. Here's an idea send pictures of drug transactions to William Petty. Tell him you have over 700 pics of the same thing happening over and over again. The response will be Vice will be getting in touch with you. Hmmm. Remember the people who don't return calls. Are these crack heads walking through your yard? Are they selling to children? Are stores being robbed within 25 yards of the crack house? Are houses being robbed within 25 feet of the crack house? The answers to the questions are yes in my Lynchburg neighborhood. My house has been robbed twice, my neighbors has just been robbed. If drug houses are not in your neighborhood now, realize that these crack heads have an euphoric impunity and realize they can do as they please. And will soon be down the street from you.
Its time to take back our neighborhoods. So what can you do? If you find yourself flustrated by the inaction of the police, and the prosecutors. What I have done seems to help. Put a camera in your window don't be overly concerned if they can see it. These people hate the idea that they are being photographed. As do their customers. Shine the light on their dark activities. I think they have noticed my camera now. An eerie quiet has returned to their drug house. No cars no kids going to their house and they are staying away from my yard. Will this continue, I don't know. Is it because of my camera, maybe? Or it might be because they are cooling it because of a nearby robbery a couple of days ago. I will keep you posted.
(Gangs, graffiti, drugs, and violence)
Lynchburg Virginia
Hi my name is Bob. Thank you for visiting. I live in Lynchburg Virginia. The postings here will all relate to Lynchburg Virginia: Its politics, city government, crime, how to live cheaply here, and just any old thing that strikes my fancy to write about this place. I hope you enjoying reading and I look forward to your comments also. So here we go and I hope that this blog will be helpful to both you and me.