Vice President Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter
This just in from Fox news broadcast. Vice President Cheney has accidently shot one of his hunting companions while quail hunting. Details are slim, but the person he shot was at Armstrong Ranch in Texas.
78 year old Harry Whittington, was taken to the hospital and appears to be alert and doing well. Harry Whittington is a Austin Texas lawyer.
More on the Armstrong Ranch:
"Pioneer Tobin Armstrong’s ancestor, Texas Ranger John B. Armstrong, bought the beginnings of the Armstrong Ranch in 1882 with the $4,000 bounty he received for capturing outlaw John Wesley Hardin. In 1944 Tobin’s older brother wed an heir of legendary King Ranch, linking two of the biggest ranches in Texas."
Guests at the 50,000-acre ranch have included former President George Bush; his son President George W. Bush, the Rockefellers and Prince Charles.
To read more on Harry Whittington go here.
I guess this administration is not as familiar with gun control as previous admins have been.
Sight picture, breath control, trigger squeeze, HIT THE TARGET. THAT'S proper gun control.
Now if we can just get them to remember BASIC hunter safety...we will be doing good, and any potential hunting partners will be doing even better.
I only hope his aim with an tactical nuclear missle is better than with a shotgun.
Thanks for the comment Jeff. I know at times that accidental shootings can be prosecuted, I wonder if that is the case in Texas.
>>>>>do you think the VP has a joy stick for guiding the missiles? Even if that was his job to handle missile launches? Or could you just not resist a chance to take a stab at the current administration?<<<<<<<
I dunno...maybe
It could be I s'pose
I never miss chance ! LOL, but then they afford SO many chances. LOL
LOL, I am glad you went there...cuz I did nae want tae. I could ken what was was comin'
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