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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Cory Maye: In fact Corey Maye is his Name, But the Misinformation Does Not Stop There

The case of Corey Maye has drawn a lot of attention to our blog post. One site, Battlepanda, that is ranking blogs on if they are conservative liberal or something else on the issue of Corey Maye, had to etch out a new category for us. Seems we are the square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole of categorization easily.

When The Agitator came out with the plea of help in stopping an injustice for a death row inmate in Mississippi. I read the article in disbelief. Things just were not ringing true. If 12 people can come up with the death penalty for Corey Maye, from what was presented as facts by The Agitator something seriously had gone wrong. I mean those 12 people must have just got together and decided we are going to send Corey to his execution, even though he was not guilty would say the jurors had no sense at all.

Now, I am not saying this couldn't happen, after all OJ Simpson got off on a questionable jury decision. Generally though I have more faith in those that sat in the trial, heard the evidence and made a decision. The jury made up of people like you and me would not make a decision lightly on sending someone to his death. I would be more likely to rely on their decision than someone who is reporting on the fly as The Agitator has admitted.

But it was worth looking into, And I did. And what I found was that there was limited information out there on Corey Maye. And all the blogs have jumped right on this bandwagon and were relying only on what The Agitator was presenting. In a search for facts and seeing what others were writing, everyone was basing their ideas on what The Agitator was presenting alone. All trails let right back to the Agitator as the source. From well read blogs like Instapundit to Daily KOS, they were using what the Agitator as gospel. This to me was disturbing.

The Agitiator had kept it sources for information up its sleeve. There was no links for independent verification. Independent verification is something I just like to do. And if I can't find it, I am going to be skeptical.

Now, The Agitator is doing some serious backpedalling on what it originally presented. Yes the police did have a warrant for entry in Corey Maye's apartment. The police officer was shot at three times. One of the bullets was not stopped by his protective vest. Corey Maye was tipped on being a drug dealer and was living without visible means of support. And Ron Jones, the police officer, was dressed as police officer one fact that The Agitator is still trying to skirt. And not to slip by either the jury was not all white, but also had two blacks.

The blog Public Eye (CBS media blog) has reported on how blogs are lining up to take on the major media for not jumping on this story. Well, the major media is sitting pretty here for staying off the bandwagon. Almost everyone on death row plays the injustice card, take the case of William Van Poyck, who is sitting on the death row in Virginia, he has milked it for all it is worth.

Life is precious, and no matter what side you are on in the morality of the death penalty, it is precious for the victims of criminals also.


At 4:25 PM, Blogger theBhc said...

[this is a repost of a comment I just put up on your originally call for skepticism about the Agitator]

While I will agree that there needs to be more of the story from the police side of the incident, your citing a lack of media coverge as evidence that there was no wrongdoing on their part is utterly specious. A lack of media attention doesn't indicate anything other than ... a lack of media coverage. Considering how the media generally performs, such an argument is risible. Since when did media coverage become a standard of evidence?

Secondly, there may in fact be a very good reason why the cops' story has not been told. I don't know what that would be, but the article you point to contains a really, and I mean really strange passage:

After being shot, Jones staggered through the house to the front of the duplex, where he met other officers

One would draw from this that Jones had entered the house alone; "he staggered to the front of the duplex, where he met other officers." From a tactical raid perspective, Where is the backup? Drug Raid task force officers simply do not enter alone and they certainly wouldn't be staggering to front of the house unassisted. This brings up the further question: why is Jones the one entering the house, alone, when the Drug Raid Task Force is there and Jones was only asked to "come along"? Why is Jones the one breaking down the door? Task Force agents should have been the ones doing this -- it's what they're trained for -- not Jones.

Frankly, this aspect of the story I find completely confusing. I would very much like to see an explanation from the police about this but it also appears that no one has even thought to ask the question.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Thank you for your comments. I have no problems with my reading comprehension, and stand by what I have said.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Lee is correct. If you stand behind what you have said then you do have a problem with reading comprehension. The Agitator has raised a lot of valid questions. I agree people shouldnt jump to a conclusion before everything comes out, but your post is misleading at best.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Thank you for your comment. As far as The Agitator raising valid questions that is up for debate. In his original post he presented a lot of information to him even proved incorrect. I did point that out.

The article in the Agitator is biased toward the idea that here is an injustice. I consider that 12 people who sat on the jury and made the decision that Corey Maye is guilty, hold more weight than the biased approach the Agitator has taken.

The fact that Corey Maye had enough time to wake up find his stolen gun, and shoot at a uniformed police officer 3 times tells me he knew what he was doing. It should also be noted that this was not a quiet break in and the police identified themselves on entry. Tomorrow I will be posting my source for that information. Even if that were not the case, he has no right to shoot a police officer even in his own home.

The fact that he wasn't shot on the spot is a credit to the other police officers that responded.

The real injustice is that a police officer was killed in performance of his duty

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He could have been dressed as Elvis, doesn't mean that a man startled awak from deep sleep will recognize the invader in pitch dark.

Mayes was not tipped as a dealing drugs. The single anonymous tipster had tipped Jones that drugs were seen in that half of the duplex. Mayes had a clean record with the police.

Defending oneself and one's child from midnight invaders, in one's own home, via whatever means is believed necessary should not earn the death penalty.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Kid Handsome said...

The Agitator has responded to your posts - I believe successfully.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger ArchHallJr said...

You do have a reading comprehension problem OR you haven't read Radley’s posts in their entirety.

Also, to the best of my knowledge, Saddam Hussein or any other despot never crawled out of the depths of The Agitator. Or am I thinking "spider hole"? Sorry, sometimes my reading comprehension isn't up to snuff.

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Even if that were not the case, he has no right to shoot a police officer even in his own home."

Total and utter BS.

Yes, he most certainly does. Being a police officer does not INHERENTLY justify one to enter anyone's home at any time.

If a police officer enters my house without a warrant or probable cause (and even sometimes then), THE LAW AND THE COURTS recognize the right of the individual to shoot the person, cop or no.

While the vast majority of police officers are good and just (or at least a good bit better than average), to believe that there are NO crooked cops is ridiculous. Not to mention the incredible temptation and opportunity for abuse if police WERE given that power ("Power corrupts", and all that).

AND there have actually been instances (admitted, gang on gang, almost exclusively) of NON-POLICE dressing up and CLAIMING to be police, detaining everyone, then robbing the place. If you're coming into my home against my will, you'd better have the law on your side, and you better make that clear to me - the burden of proof is on YOU (or at least, that's what is supposed to happen).

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Life is precious, and no matter what side you are on in the morality of the death penalty, it is precious for the victims of criminals also."

I also take extreme umbrage at this statement, coming at the place it does.

It is most certainly true, and in cases such as the monstrous "Tookie" Williams, where guilt of the offense is not in question, it is appropriate.

What is in question is whether a crime was actually committed, not what to do with a guilty criminal.

This statement is begging the question, to put it politely.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Thank you for your comments. The facts of the matter are the police did have a warrant to enter his apartment. There are both knock and no knock warrants in the United States. If you have a problem with that you should take it up with your legislature. In the case of Corey Maye the police reported they did announce their presence. There were 8 police officers who were there and that is what they said happened. If these police officers were corrupt They would have shot Corey Maye on the spot. But apparently it was bright enough to see that Corey Maye no longer had the stolen gun in his hand.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

B O B just got his ass handed to him by Radley. Way to make yourself look like a retard, assclown!

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

I think it is interesting that when some clown gets arrested for something and he hurts/kills a law enforcement officer, everyone (usually civilians with no knowledge of police practice other than watching NYPD Blue reruns) will try to armchair quarterback the situation and tell the police how THEY screwed up and how they should have done their job. This is a cut and dry case in my opinion. "Saw bad guy, arrested same" Unfortunately the bad guy took out a good guy in the process. Ya know, there is an old saying, "Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you" True enough, but the bear needs to suffer the consequences if he does. Corey Maye is scum. He needs to die for what he did. Simple. Anyone who does not grasp that has some comprehension problems of their own, and the opinons of cowards who lack the courage to post a response under their own name are irrelevent and should be deleted. I really get tired of these aging hippies and conspiracy theorists always trying to "take on the man" and bring down the "bourgeois establishment" Obey the laws, don't sell or do drugs and you will have no problems. Don't wanna comply? Well fine then, but shut up when you get busted for it.

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff sounds like an ideal reader of this blog. Stupid as stupid comes.

At 6:29 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Thank you anonymous and thank you Jeff. Unfortunately anonymous found himself here reading, and oddly he commented how readers of this blog must be stupid. Your logic is amazingly accurate in your case anonymous. Others that find themselves here are not so sure there is a corrupt police conspiracy under every leaf. Ofcourse the jury had to be corrupt, the judge unfair, the media inept for not and still not reporting the injustice. Let alone the defense attorney must have been in league with everyone also.

Perhaps it is all a grand conspiracy. Do you have no faith in the jury or our legal system. Whoops I forgot you did mention you were stupid for reading this blog.

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Well, another courageous anonymous poster. Heh heh heh, yep....proves my point nicely. Thanks mate !

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As others have noted, reading comprehension and logic aren't exactly B O B's strong suits. He must be a product of Lynchburg's public education.

But anyway, way to knock down that straw man like a champ, B O B. You rock. Now go google "straw man argument" like we all know you're about to.

At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Corey Maye is scum. He needs to die for what he did. Simple. Anyone who does not grasp that has some comprehension problems of their own"

What a well-reasoned argument. I bow to the authority and intellectual heft of Jeff, champion debater of Lynchburg Virginia.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey other anonymous...listen to B O B. Obviosuly, the only way for injustice to occur is for a massive conspiracy between all of the parties he listed. There has never been anyone convicted of a crime they didn't commit unless there was a huge conspiracy. Duh. B O B has a clearly well-honed sense of logic, and your dismissive attitude of it is very troubling.

You should never look at a case, especially a death penalty case, with a skeptical eye. Guilty until proven innocent I say. Especially in a death penalty case. Those guys are SCUM, and if you don't understand that, well youre just dumb. I rhymed. HA!!!

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I think B O B has some very valid points. One a jury did decide a conviction was right. All 12 of them. Two the police officer was acting on a legal warrent. Three, is the first thing you are going to do is pick up a gun when you wake up, he had time to know what was happening. Four if the story is twisted it is done so from the defense and those that think all police are bad. and five it would take a village to all let this man be convicted unjustly. I don't think so.

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff said...

"Saw bad guy, arrested same" Unfortunately the bad guy took out a good guy in the process.

Hey there Einstein... Cory wasn't a "bad guy". He hadn't done anything illegal, and certainly nothing to warrant having his door kicked down in the middle of the night.

I notice that BOB points out at every opportunity that the gun was stolen. If you take the time to read what was posted, it was proved that Maye could not have stolen it, and it is not illegal to have an unregistered gun. Nor is it illegal to transfer guns from one individual to another, so it's likely he didn't even know the gun was stolen. Perhaps this is why the fact it was stolen was withheld from the jury at trial? Ya think?

At 7:21 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Yes you are correct in pointing out that the evidence does not point to him stealing the gun. It is illegal to own a stolen gun.

But as you also point out this was not brought up in the trial. The jury found reason to convict without that being a factor at all.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

And yet again, another cowardly anonymous poster relying on the anonymity of the internet to sit at home and call names and be a boor.

Not gonna argue the case. He is guilty and is where he should be.

Yawn....bored now.....

At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would strongly disagree with a mentality that reads too much into the facts of the Maye case as it is understood at this time. Anyone who wants to say, that the jury found him guilty, end of subject, isn't thinking it through. If that were so, we wouldn't have any need for appeals process, retrials, mistrials. A lot of law could just be done away with. Oh gosh, that's just not the case, so let's deal with reality here. You and I don't know all the facts, and Radley has brought the issue up saying it needs to be dug into. And he's said he doesn't know everything. But the full set of transcripts and other supporting data will emerge into the public eye out of this, and what exactly will we have then?

At 7:48 PM, Blogger B O B said...

I agree with you on several points. More does have to be known. If you read my posts that has been exactly my point. In the mean time I am more apt to trust the jury, then someone trying to second guess they went terribly wrong.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the results of jury trials in Mississippi regarding class action lawsuits? No, I don't particularly trust Mississippi juries.

I am disturbed that anyone would consider that with all the laws that give home owners the benefit of the doubt in self-defense cases that the death penalty is the appropriate outcome in the Mayes instance. Anyone still looking for injustice in this case?

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your suggestion that everybody just trust the jury. But there's a problem with that. The legal system itself has embodied concepts such as mistrials, retrials, appeals, and commutation of sentences. So if we should just trust jury verdicts, then I am sure you are for throwing out all of the statutes that provide for appeals, retrials, and commutations.
Mike H

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since this series of posts in December, there is a lot of factual information on the Maye case. You can look at the actual court transcripts at, or link to them through the wikipedia article.

Mike H


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