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Friday, November 04, 2005

This Day in History: November 4, 1979 Iranian Students Seize the U.S. Embassy


On Nov 2nd 2005, this happened to commemorate November 4th, 1979:

"Tehran, Iran, Nov. 02 – Thousands of hard-line supporters of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad converged on Monday at the site of the former American embassy in Tehran, chanting for the destruction of the United States, Britain, and Israel, in a state-organised demonstration held to commemorate the November 4, 1979 seizure of the embassy compound by radical Islamists. "

The prelude:

On November 4th, 1979 the BBC reported:

"Militant Islamic students in Iran have stormed the US embassy in the Iranian capital,Tehran, and taken more than 90 people hostage. " (65 American hostages were held for 444 days)

"Thousands of westerners living in Iran have already fled the country in fear of their lives. "

This day in history in video by Liketelevision Video Timemachine.

The Future:

Iran Focus reports:

"Mehdi Vahedi, a senior Bassij official, called on the radical Islamists to be ready to seize European embassies in Tehran if the EU continued to put pressure on Iran to halt its sensitive nuclear work. “[The U.S. embassy seizure on] November 4 was so successful that the Imam [Ruhollah Khomeini] called it the second revolution. Iran’s student movement is ready to bring about the next revolution just like the previous one if it ever feels that the existence of the Islamic Republic of Iran is at threat."


At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its interesting to see the comparisons, Americans think that they have the best health care in the world.

But in many areas we are truly lacking. We do have some of the best research, and have mastered some of the best technical expertise, but the cost factor as you note, makes much of these services unreachable for many Americans.

Unsaid in America, there are two standards of care, that Americans find them self facing. For those with insurance the care is remarkablely better. Those without insurance, the care is relegated by cost conserving measures that provides just the minimum response from our care givers.

Many Americans, in need of medical care are likely not to get help. If the don't have insurance, they will only go to the hospital if they feel they have no choice, and that is generally governed by the seriousness of their illness.

When there is an argument against socialized medicine in the U S, examples are often made to other countries like the UK and Sweden that use the socialized approached. There argument has been that socialized medicine just does not provide the standard of care Americans expect.

Yet as you point out, medical treatment in these countries surpass our standards for the general populace. We should be looking at there models. We are one of the only developed country that does not follow that model.

And that model is working better than ours.

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember this day well!



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