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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Cats May be Allergic to People!

I love cats. I like dogs, but cats are warm creatures that don't 'need' me, but do enjoy warming my lap and purring while I scratch behind their ears. Unfortunately, I am allergic to cats and dogs. So while I have cats, they spend the majority of their time outside. I know a lot of people who are allergic to pets of one type or another, but what I didn't know was that pets may be allergic to us. Read here for more information.


At 11:44 AM, Blogger B O B said...

Wow mom, Im a dog person, and I can just tolerate cats. Did you know if you click you link it takes you all the way to Pluto. Not that I didn't enjoy the trip, but I forgot to pack my lunch.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that our little bird friends are allergic to cats…especially in the spring when there are babies to be eaten.


At 4:13 AM, Blogger Andi said...

I like cats but have allergy problems and so do many of my loved, I don't get to be around cats often.

Anyway...I booked this article and I know a lot of people who will find it to be of interest.



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