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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Fawley Mystery Pond Found

The Richmond Times is reporting:

The pond that the Behl murder investigation task force has been looking for has been found. The pond is at an undisclosed location in Mathews Virginia. The relevance of the pond may only be that it is one area that has not been searched.

Missing still are Taylor Behl's possessions, such as her cell phone. Also missing is Ben Fawley's camera and tripod (at least according to him).

The Richmond Times is also reporting:

"Investigators have spent much of the past two months attempting to verify every detail in Fawley's story - from the circumstances preceding the Richmond-to-Mathews road trip to how Behl died, where she died and what became of her possessions."

In January the Grand Jury will be submitting their report. What is expected is Ben Fawley will receive an indictment for murder.

To read all our post on Taylor Behl go here.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger Andi said...

I hope that they find the answer to what truly happened. :-(

At 9:36 AM, Blogger B O B said...

Thank you for your comment. At least Ben Fawley is behind bars. I doubt that we will ever hear the truth come out of his mouth. I do have confidence that the task force investigation will point to what really happened.

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would beat the truth out of him...


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