New American School: Fairhaven
Here is a model for a school, and the students talk about its effectiveness.
This from their website:
Fairhaven students ages 5 through 19 and beyond are free to decide for
themselves how to spend their days. Motivated by curiosity and the drive to
become competent adults, they grow emotionally, creatively, and
intellectually—through play, school governance, conversation, the arts, classes,
computer activities, reading, and the exploration of nature. All kinds of
learning, all types of intelligence are valued.
This reminds me of the how the Society of Friends operated their schools, and the impressive intelligent accomplishments their students make.
via: Boingboing
Ooh, I'll have to look into this. I'm always interested in educational alternatives.
Hi Jen thanks for the comment by the way we have a lot of home schoolers on this blog.
I think you would enjoy the video Melissa, you ought to take a look.
Having been pointed to the rapid spread of this throughout the blogging world, and seeing a forum on which I can post, I feel compelled to say that if anyone has questions about how effective the model (and this school in particular) can be, feel free to email me and ask - I'm a recent graduate of Fairhaven School, and am featured a fair amount on the film. My email address is Thanks.
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