The Bar is Open
Here's a quick batBack update for everyone. batBack is our article feedback system (little blue button that says "Rate Me!") located under each article.
There is now a bar at the bottom of the box so that folks can see what other stuff they can do besides voting. There are buttons to launch a google search, email your friends about this article, and a general purpose action bar, which will have all kinds of goodies later on.
The descriptive text has also been changed to make it simpler to pick what your opinion is. The whole point of batBack is so that readers can quickly give their opinion without having to write a bunch of text.
Finally there is a batBack presentation and a demonstration online. The presentation is here, while the flash demo is here.
I want to thank everybody for participating! Bob did a great job with the presentation, and Melissa rewrote some of the text to make it easier to use. I'm learning a lot about what people like and don't like, and hopefully it will let us bloggers write more material that readers appreciate. If you get a chance to check out Bob's presentation, you should. I think it's very well done.
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