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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ben Fawley: Fact, Fiction, And Confession

"What do you do when you have found out you did your best not to, but find you did hurt someone you care about? I didn't see until it was too late and now the problem is how do I fix this? I can't fix it, there is nothing I can do or say. Anything I do say will only make it worse. I am sorry. " By Ben Fawley aka Skulz and Darkodeath, a confession he had made in the past.

The Richmond Times is reporting:

"Fawley, 38, has told police that Behl died during an intimate encounter he had with her in her car the night she was last seen, sources close to the investigation told The Times-Dispatch last night."

The police went on to say according to the Richmond Times ,"We have no doubt he killed her now." And further, they confided some of what he has said is true, but some is not.

And what Ben Fawley admits is that he had erotic sex with her in her car, on a Beach near Mathews Virginia. And they tried a thing called, erotic asphyxiation. Yes you can die doing this. And even the worst and sleaziest websites warn you about this. And from his live journal, he made this entry, back in time when he was first getting to know Taylor Behl (T stands for Taylor):

"The time spent with “T” was a lot of fun, and I will treasure that as something very special. I will also harbor the hope that I will get the chance to go there again with her, though I am almost certain that will never be. If I do get that chance again I do have something in mind that I would like to see if she enjoys. "

But did Ben Fawley care. When he was squeezing the life out of Taylor Behl did he just go to far? Did she struggle, and try to indicate for him to stop? And did he just squeeze harder feeling the pulse of life leave her soul? And then it was too late.

It takes effort to strangle someone to death, there is a small bone in throat that usually breaks when someone dies from strangulation. Sometimes in younger people this bone just bends and flexes back, but often it is broken. Even an autopsy from skeletal remains would show this. We covered that in my college anatomy class. There is one condition that can occur from erotic asphyxiation, it is called carotid sinus reflex death. Yet in a young healthy person, which Taylor was, it would be doubtful that Ben Fawley could not tell, that something was going dramatically wrong. He should of stopped, but he didn't. And he should have not even thought of trying this with Behl Taylor who was only 17.

But Ben Fawley was always pushing limits, and this time he brought Behl Taylor across the line that separates life from death. He crossed the line, and the police are still seeing lies in confession. And Mr. Darkodeath should be held responsible. And we agree with Taylor Behl's mother when she said:

"My prayer is for my next news conference to be announcing the arrest of the sick human that murdered my beautiful daughter," Pelasara said. "And may the court see fit to give him the death penalty so he may continue his downward spiral into the depths of hell."

To read all our post on Taylor Behl go here.

Picture credit: Darkodeath or better know as Ben Fawley, a self portrait in drugs.


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