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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Boy Scout Jamboree at AP Hill: Suffering from the Heat

There are least 21 area Boy Scout troops in Lynchburg and the surrounding area. We do not know if any are at the National Jamboree at AP Hill, but we are concerned for their welfare if they are.

There are over 40,000 participants at the Jamboree, from the United States and the world.

The Richmond Times Dispatch Reports:

Scores of boy scouts fell ill due the the heat today prompting emergency assistance from the surrounding area and the military troops at AP Hill. Some were evacuated by air. President Bush who cancelled an appearance at the Jamboree is rescheduled for today. This falls on the heels of four adult scout leaders that died from electrocution while setting up a tent.

To read more go to The Richmond Times Dispatch

(Local news)


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