HDR Photography Soon Will be Consumer Ready
Before I have told you about HDR Photography. HDR means High Dynamic Range, and it is a method of combining the information from more that one photograph of the same scene in one photograph.
Soon digital cameras are going to come out with that function built in. Sony Alpha is an example.
I have been piddling in HDR which in reality is in its infancy.
The photo shown is an example, I took from Thunder Ridge on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
It is now listed in the top 100 of the most competitive pool on Flickr. This is somewhat of an accomplishment since there are over a half million photos uploaded to flicker daily. If you care to see some of my other HDR attempts go here. Some of the photos in this group have also been highly rated.
You created some really beautiful shots. I wouldn't be surprised that one of Thunder Ridge will get "stolen" by someone trying to make a profit like a greeting card company. (I had one stolen from a photo-lab once and have seen it in a poster with the same clouds as my other frames)
This reminds me of the software that some amateur astronomers use where they stack a bunch of images and the software averages them out in a way that reveals unseen detail. I downloaded the trial version last night after seeing your shots and will give the process some attempts of my own.
Thanks Bob for posting this!
It's interesting that you posted this, because I just started researching HDR a couple of weeks ago as a result of your Flickr pictures. I love the richness and surreal feeling of the photos, and you do a great job with it.
I am going to try to start experimenting with it myself. Do you use Photomatix?
Hi all and thanks for the comments. I do use photomatix Diva look in your flickr mail and I will send you more info.
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