My Heart is Breaking...
for the loved ones of a 20 year old young man that I babysat on occasion for the first 6 years of his life. His mother was my senior high school English teacher who was a great influence in my life. She encouraged my writing. She encouraged me to read other than popular fiction. And she trusted me to watch her only son.
Now he is gone. This week, he was killed when his car rolled and he was thrown from it because he didn't have on his seatbelt. He was 20. He leaves behind his parents, a beloved stepfather, a fiance and a small baby. A child named for a father who he will never see again.
I don't understand why these things happen. I wish God would have chosen to prevent it. Parents shouldn't have to bury their children. Children shouldn't grow up without fathers or mothers. I know this happens everyday, but this is a child I knew and it has touched me deeply.
I came home and hugged my children tight and my husband tight. I send all of you, my friends, acquaintances, and my enemies a hug tonight. And I encourage you to hold your loved ones close. Life is fleeting. Let's not have any regrets. Let's make the most of every moment, loving to our utmost ability. Playing to our fullest with our children and not putting off til tomorrow conversations that our hearts say we should have today. Because tomorrow may not come for us or for them.
May God bless each and every one of you.
That is so sad Melissa, and it is a reminder what transient beings we are. Better things may be in store for him. And my thoughts are with you.
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