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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wanted Ad: Results in 50 Felons Off the Street

News Channel 3 in the Hampton Roads is reporting:

"Hampton Police took out the add, listing the names of fugitives wanted for committing felonies ranging from shoplifting to murder. They tried to serve nearly 600 warrants. By the end of just one day, they had arrested at least 50 fugitives."

We have reported in the past how child support abusers have been exposed on a full page ad in the Hampton Roads. That effort quickly spread to other localities, such as Richmond and Roanoke. We are still expecting that one day soon The News and Daily Advance will be posting a full page ad for abusers in our locality.

Now, Hampton Roads is again making headlines for a full page ad on rounding up felons. The results have been effective in getting loose felons off the street. A public service to all of us. Would it not be great if local newspapers offered this service to the police and social services for free? Full page ads are not cheap, and there is news value in the ads. At least offering a very reduced rate would seem appropriate. Perhaps, The News and Advance could take the lead in offering this to Social Services and the Police.

They would have to weight the idea on a balance of public service verses ad revenue. But they would gain more respect if they did this as a public service, and it would increase their circulation.

In any case, Channel 3 in the Hampton Roads is also reporting:

"When you put the intensity into it like we've done tonight, and like Newport News did in the past, where you bring in a lot of officers from different areas to do nothing but go out and look for these folks, you're going to have success," Lt. Gillis said.

"And we've had good success today, and I think other cities will take note of that and probably put together similar programs."


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