Lynchburg Freecycle Responds to Hurricane Katrina
Lynchburg Freecycle is a yahoo group of people who desire to keep items out of local landfills. But beyond that, this is a group of people who care about their community and about others. So in the spirit of this group, we are setting up a file of ways that we can help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
We realize that different people have different abilities and different resources they can share, so our goal is to provide an evolving list of ways people can help. So far, this is what we have. More will be forthcoming. Be sure to read the comments for more information as we get it.
I have to tell you, I have been amazed at the response on the Freecycle list. Within moments of posting this information, I received several emails from people who want to help and are happy to know how they can and from people who knew people in the affected areas and their gratitude for our help. Keep an eye out for more on this relief effort.
1. Red Cross Update: Beverly Gaydas, Lynchburg Red Cross - "Come on down! We need volunteers to help out in the office. It's just inundated with people calling. We need people on the phones. We need people to bring in the checks.
"If you'd like information about volunteering at the Lynchburg Red Cross, you can stop by their office on Langhorne Road. Or call 845-1234.
2o Local people are in training to aid in the disaster relief in Lousiana. They started Saturday and will leave later this month, according to WSET news. We encourage you to see what you can do.
2. The Red Cross link for cash donations or call 1-800-HELP-NOW. And The Red Cross is asking anyone who wants to help to donate money. Make your checks out to "Disaster Relief" and, you can send them to 2416 Langhorne Road, Lynchburg, Virginia 24501.
3. Check out your local Red Cross chapter to find out about their next blood drive. Another option is to give through plasmapheresis (they take just the plasma from your blood). The number to call is 1-800-GIVELIFE or visit
4. With every disaster, there comes an abundance of scams. To be sure you avoid them, FEMA has a list of charities that have met with their approval.
5. Lutheran Relief Effort
6. Presbyterian (USA):
7. Salvation Army:
8. Methodist Relief Effort:
9. This is the ABCNews.Com site for a variety of relief efforts:
11. All Lynchburg Fire Stations are now drop off points for the relief effort for Katrina victims.
12. From the HSLDA E-lert Service...
In response to the devastation caused by hurricane Katrina, the Home School Foundation has established a Hurricane Emergency Response program to help homeschooling families who have suffered great losses.
We will use contributions to this program to assist families with replacing lost or destroyed curriculum and meeting emergency needs.
If you know of homeschooling families who need our assistance, please have them call us at 540-338-8899 or email
If you would like to make a gift to help these families, here's how.
Donate online at:
Send your check:-Payable to: Home School Foundation-Memo: Hurricane-Mail to: Home School Foundation, PO Box 1152, Purcellville, VA 20134
13. WSLS website
14. WSET website
15. Toy drive: AAAA Self-storage in Forest, phone 525-3298. Hours are M-F 9-6, Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-1. There's no cut-off date at this point. Take 221 toward Bedford past Grave's Mill, past Enterprise Dr. Go about two lights. See BP station on right. They are just past BP on right. Big blue sign.
16. The News and Advance is listing links for Katrinia aid and live video feeds from the affected areas. You can access those links at this article.
17. Things to think about with donations: Survivors need things like tampax and pads, toothpaste & brushes, baby wipes, diaper rash creams, and children's, combs, brushes and any personal hygeine items, bathroom tissue, hand sanitizer gel...soap isn't much good with limited water supplies, atleast they can sanitize their hands...also socks and underwear...wearing the same clothes for days on in is bad enough, but if you can atleast put on clean undies it seems a bit more bareable...chapstick and snacks for kids like peanut butter crackers and such. They are passing out ready to eat meals, but I am sure the kids get hungry between meals and this would be for them. Also, formula and baby food in non breakable containers.
Thanks to Lynchburg Area Blog
for bringing these area needs to light.
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