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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Question of the Week: Is #3 the charm?

Great, it's my third opportunity to ask a question of the week! My third opportunity to dazzle you with my amazing intellect (hee hee). My third opportunity to find out what is going on in your minds! And I was stumped! Do you think it is easy trying to come up with questions that will provoke answers???? Well, let me tell you it isn't!!!!

So I thought and thought and thought, and dang if I didn't end up with three questions! Since it was my third go at Question of the Week, I just decided I would ask all three. And hopefully, I will get more than three responses!

1. Today is your last day in Lynchburg. Your stuff is all packed up and you have to eat out. Money is no object. What restaurant (restaurants) are you going to hit before leaving town? Maybe there is just one, or maybe you want to have a multiple stop dinner...appetizers here, meal there, dessert somewhere else. So come on tell me! DH's birthday is coming up and I am trying to find someplace take him for a yummy meal!

2. What does it take to get you to comment? I mean do you ever comment? We do have a few people who regularly comment here, but we have hundreds of people stop by every week and say nothing!* What's up with that? Are you afraid what you have to say won't be worth reading? Do you not have an opinion? Is time the issue? Tell me, cause I really want to know! And if time is the problem, that leads me to the third question.

3. Okay, you really like (or dislike) the article you just read on our blog. But you don't feel like writing a comment or all you want to say is good article and you feel like that is being redundant. But think about us poor writer's here! Struggling every day to come up with new morsels to fill your brains with. If you don't tell us what you think, we won't know. So you don't want to fool with writing a comment, then use batBack and vote! You can even vote anonymously if you don't want to join (but there are extra benefits to joining). Click the rate me button, move your mouse over a few star bars, click the button again and you are done. And I will get an idea if you like my stuff or not. So if you don't do that or don't want to give me your feedback, can you tell me why? Please tell me! I want to know!

* We do occasionally get comments that we do not post. Spam comments for example. Or nasty comments. We don't mind you disagreeing with us, but when you get ugly about it, call our mothers names or talk about what low IQs we have, we aren't going to publish that. So do share your opinion, but share it with dignity. Stick to the issues, and leave our mothers footwear out of it:)


At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I would go to Meriwether's. Yum.

2. I comment mostly when I disagree with something (just because it's more fun to debate then to just agree), but will occasionally comment when you guys post up a cool link or site, to show my appreciation (and there have been a bunch of cool ones). However, I take issue with you not posting some of my comments. B O B, in particular, will frequently refuse to publish comments directed at the inaccuracy of his posts (see the ninja thread, and many of his posts citing made-up numbers to attack members of the Lynchburg government). It seems he wants accountability for everyone but himself.

3. Is that a question? Just kidding. I try to vote for the ones I like AND the ones I dislike. One problem I've been having is that sometimes it won't load for me. I use Firefox and occasionally Explorer, and often nothing will load (not the rate me, not the bar with the rating).

On the upside, I do like the new batback colors on the site. It really does make it look more professional.

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will help or not, but when I go to the main page ( that is when I most frequently run into trouble. If I go over to the side and click on the article in the right hand column, that seems to help it load, as does clicking the "articles for the month" (although it takes forever to load the batback info).

Also, I seem to have more problems when I am on Firefox compared to Explorer.

Thanks for the comments!

At 9:29 AM, Blogger B O B said...

Hi all concerning posts today. There has been a technical problem with the blogger the host we use. I have been informed that there data base has experienced some corruption, and they are working on the problem.

However, this has affected our ability to publish posts. And until they get the problem corrected, we cannot make new entries.

Bear with us, as we bear with them through their difficulties.


Hi, Mappo as far as the Ninja post goes we should both accept the fact that we disagree. If you read my original post carefully you would see I was asking the question if this photo was photo shopped or is it just a bad picture? And I stand by that question as it is up to you to decide. And, yes, I do have my own opinion.

As far as making up numbers I do not do that, or slandering people for that matter. It is true that I disagree with some of the policies of that the city is promoting, and have promoted in the past. My vision is different than their vision for the city.

The only time that I am aware that I made a statement that was in error (concerning numbers) was when I relied on information from two other sources in a response to a comment. Then, I said that the Roanoke budget was larger than Lynchburg's. I have also reported what may have been an error in how large the city budget has grown, using the source of the Lynchburg Area blog for a reference.

It was wrong of me to make that assumption without exploring the facts further. I apologize for assuming things that were not the case.

I generally write three to five stories a day. Sometimes, I have reported on what others have researched. Sometimes their research has been wrong, in most cases if not all, I provide the sources of that research. I am not using this as an excuse. I am human and can make errors. And I am certain I will make more errors in the future, as any of us will do at times.

I have been taking the time to read the city budget in detail, and I have read all the motions in the Mayor's case. In fact, I do a lot of reading. As far as the Mayor goes my reports have been balanced and some have even given even been positive about the Mayor. And, I have been witholding giving an opinion until the trial is complete.

Like many people I have met the Mayor personally. And he is a likable person. Unfortunately, if he is guilty of the charges, he has lost my respect. If he does win his case, I will respect him for that.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Hi Larry, I have taken your suggestions and added notes to the posts that are in error. It was an oversight on mine not to do this earlier. If you notice in the orignal posts all my sources are listed. Just follow the links and you will see where I obtain information. It has never been my intention to publish inaccuracies, or repeat the inaccuracies of others. Yet, the possiblity of that can happen. And when it does I will stand corrected.

Some of the figures that I may report some may disagree with, if I consider them accurate I will also leave them stand.

Thanks for the comments.

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa, I have commented a few times before here and not had one of my posts published I guess due to it being politically incorrect although it was not argumentative in any way.

I have also had BOB not publish my comment, but repost it saying it came from me but under his own name. What is up with that? Was it because I filled in the "your web page" field and my site is in conflict with this blog?

Then I have had a lot of trouble with just posting comments here with the user-name and password fields not accepting me unless I have a bunch of changes made in my browser settings.

These types of things leaves one feeling like not commenting I guess, but since you asked! Now to see if this one will get accepted.....


At 12:04 AM, Blogger B O B said...

Hi Con, the reason I posted your comment which I did in full is that your comment reached our email but blogger was having technical difficulities and reported your post as an error. I copied your comments and posted them, that was the only work around I had.

I have never denied any of your comments, there was a period of time when the blogger data base died, and was limping for several weeks.

And blogger reported that many comments were lost during that time. This is a free service, but it is not without problems. This morning we could not post at all. Sometimes we can't post pictures, and at other times even our site cannot be accessed. I am sorry if blogger lost some of your comments I have always appreciated them.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Daniel Markham said...


What a great thread.

Leave it to Melissa to get the folks talking.

Thanks for all the batBack comments. I really appreciate them. It looks like I will start working on version 2.0 sometime soon. It might take a few months, but I think I have enough material to make it even better.

Larry -- I can make it so that when you click on the rating bar (the bar with the results of the current article election) it tells you how you stand. If I get around to that, I will post an article on it. Sounds like a cool idea!

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we speak, I published a comment in B O B's price "gouging" article which he refuses to publish. Not coincidentally, it disagrees with his take on the matter. It's frustrating to spend time on a post and to have someone who disagrees with you refuse to air it.

One of the problems is that comments are not published immediately. When I try to post, I have NO IDEA whether it will get posted 5 minutes later, 5 hours later, if B O B will just refuse to publish it because he disagrees with it, or if it got "lost" in blogger.

This is not conducive to interactive feedback.

At 1:50 PM, Blogger B O B said...

Hi Mappo, none of us are on the computer 24 hours per day, sometimes we are not just here to publish your comments. All members of this blog can publish comments on any post. As for your comment on gas gouging there is no record of that here, as far as I can see.

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response to my problems BOB and Melissa! This really clears up some of what I thought might be going on behind the scenes on your end, which I find I was mistaken about.

Melissa, I use IE version 6 on Earthlink. As it is now or last night all I had to do was turn off my pop-up blocker (which may or may not have needed to been done). I had the most problems when there was the code thing up and it would just keep giving me new codes to put in unless I changed some settings. I no longer recall what I did to get around that which I could only figure out once.

You all keep doing the good job you are doing. (insert smilie face here)



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